SCASL Memberships
Membership is based on a rolling model that runs for one year from the date you sign up.
Membership Categories
Professional Membership $50.00 Certified school librarians, retired school librarians on TERI and/or who are working full-time as a professional, students employed as school librarians, and other library professionals (e.g. technology specialists at building or district level as well as academic, public, and special librarians).
Full-Time Student $20.00 Full-time students carrying a minimum of 9 semesters and not employed in a professional position.
Associate Membership $15.00 State, district, and school administrators (e.g. superintendents, principals, district curriculum coordinators), legislators, teachers, paraprofessionals, retired school librarians who retired after July 1, 2006, and who were not members for ten or more consecutive years, and other interested persons.
Institutional Membership $60.00 Institutions, associations, and businesses.
Retired Membership $15.00 Retired school librarians who have been active members of SCASL for ten or more consecutive years.
Honorary Membership FREE Professionals who retired prior to July 1, 2006 who have been members of SCASL for ten or more consecutive years, and K-12 students (individuals and clubs/groups). Must be renewed yearly.