Pre-Service EducationSouth Carolina hosts thirty different Pre-Service Teacher Education Institutions recognized by the South Carolina State Department of Education. Join our committee to help spread the word about the wonderful role school librarians play in educating students across our state. Function: The Pre-Service Education Committee is to act as a liaison between the School Library profession and pre-service teachers and organizations. Composition: The Pre-Service Education Committee is comprised of a Committee Chairperson and members chosen by the chair. Chairperson: The Pre-Service Education Committee Chairperson is selected by the SCASL President. Duties: 1. Provide members of the teacher education community up-to-date information about school library media services. 2. Encourages local teacher education colleges to include this information in their curriculum. 2022-2023 Committee Members:Chair - Tracey Burel, Anderson School District 5, [email protected]
Committee Members - Helen Bailey, Betsy Hodges
Link to Edutopia article by SCASL member, Jamie Gregory: "Collaborating With Your School Librarian".